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ad 312造句

  • ad 312    For example, the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine is quite prominent; however, it was not completed until AD 312. The abbreviation last appears on coins of Constantine the Great ( rul...
  • 312 ad    By 312 AD, he was a man barely tolerated, not one actively supported, even among Christian Italians. In 312 AD, Anthony the Great retired to the Thebaid region of Egypt to escape the perse...
  • cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos    And by the way, even if you plan on airlifting yourself in, you're still technically trespassing, according to the maxim cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos, the Latin f...
  • fantasy and fugue on the chorale ad nos ad salutarem undam    Dessauer played until 2010 a regular concert on New Year's Eve at the Weinen, Klagen " " ( 1863 ), and " Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale Ad nos ad salutarem undam ".
  • 1958 bristol britannia 312 crash    The second proven case was the 1958 Bristol Britannia 312 crash near Christchurch, Dorset, in the south of England, on December 24, 1958.
  • 312 sqn    He flew with 312 Sqn throughout the Battle of Britain, initially as a section leader and following promotion to Flying Officer Bartos became the deputy flight leader of " B " flight.
  • 312 area code    In 1988 the 708 area code was introduced and the 312 area code became exclusive to the city of Chicago. Looking down at the 312 area code, I thought as I walked away, " What is he doing in...
  • 312 azusa street    Although there were some earlier events associated with the movement, it seemed to take flight under the preaching of William J . Seymour, an African-American man who conducted Bible studi...
  • 312 bc    The oldest major Roman route in Italy ( opened 312 BC ). Battle of Gaza ( 312 BC ) could use expansion. The last independent king Praxippos was subdued by Ptolemy I in 312 BC. In 312 BC Qi...
  • 312 bce    After the conquests by Seleucus ( 312 BCE ), starting the Seleucid dynasty of Iran. Soon, King Nikoklis of Paphos was considered suspect; he was besieged and forced to suicide, and his ent...
  • 312 ferry training unit    A small unit the No . 312 Ferry Training Unit RAF ( FTU ) was deployed there training pilots to be employed in ferrying aircraft overseas. 312 Ferry Training Unit ( FTU ) flying the Wellin...
  • 312年    312年,比流王任命解仇掌握军权。 前312年,楚怀王最终背弃齐楚联盟。 争论发生在永嘉六年(312年)二月。 永嘉六年(312年)平乡属后汉。 公元前312年齐、宋围魏煮枣,即此。 公元前312年毁于地震和火灾。 韩宣惠王在位二十一年,死于前312年。 在公元312年末赶到罗马城下。 虞氏死于永嘉六年(312年),时年35岁。 公元312年,康斯坦丁要进行…场大战役。 ◆...
  • 312经络锻炼法    312经络锻炼法创始人。 随书附送祝总骧精彩养生讲座光盘,亲身传授312经络锻炼法! 本书附赠光盘,光盘中介绍了312经络锻炼法治疗各种常见病的治病实例。 他多年来一直致力于312经络锻炼法的推广工作,并在实践中将其不断发展。 《祝总骧312经络锻炼法》(最新彩图版)揭示经络实质,激发经络潜能,祛病强身好方法。 从事经络现代化研究近三十年,创造性地将祖国医学经络理论与现代健...
  • 312经络疗法    “312经络疗法”一经推出,便举世关注。 “312经络疗法”是一种纯绿色非药物疗法,无毒无副作用。 “312经络疗法”采取疏导疗法,改“堵”为“疏”,系统治疗、整体调整。 “312经络疗法”在高血压、冠心病、脑血栓、糖尿病、骨关节病、风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、肩周炎等30多种慢性疾病的治疗上均有很好的疗效。 “312经络疗法”,是传承了2500年的中医经络理论与实践的智...
  • 312工程    医院依托本地资源,开发研制的“雪蛙原油”、“雪蛙孵油”等系列医院保健品,被国家计委列为“国家312工程,山区产业化示范工程”项目。 2002年到目前,我和同事们一直认真研究外地和本地成功经验,自全市“312工程”建设开始,推广林权改制,引进推出了拍卖树塘造林等新型造林模式,使全市造林全部落到户、到人,保证了保存率、成活率达90%以上。 我公司先后承揽了:1、中国国际航空公司...
  • 312国道    公司地处312国道旁,交通便捷。 312国道甘肃省境段2004年度交通事故伤流行病学分析 公司新落成的工厂大楼位于上海嘉定黄渡工业园区(曹安路4514号)紧靠312国道,距上海虹桥机场约20公里。 昆山陆家建筑安装有限公司,地处昆山市陆家镇陆丰西路312国道边,是国家工业与民用建筑叁级施工资质企业。 我公司成立于1993年,地理位置位于南京与上海市中间的常州市,沪宁高速和3...
  • alfa romeo tipo 312    The "'Alfa Romeo Tipo 312 "', 312 or 12C-312 was a 3-litre formula racing car that was used in the 1938 Grand Prix season; drivers were Raymond Sommer, Giuseppe Farina, Eugenio Siena, Clem...
  • ar 312    The route briefly meets AR 312 meet briefly south of the Blytheville Municipal Airport.
  • area code 312    Originally, the entire city and suburbs were in area code 312. Area code 312 originally served almost all of the Illinois side of the Chicago metropolitan area, except for portions of 815....
  • arkansas highway 312    Most of the town lies between Arkansas Highway 18 and Arkansas Highway 312.
  • article 312    The Constitution was amended in 1977 to provide for an AIJS under Article 312. Prosecutors also began to use Article 312 of the criminal code ( on religious or racial hatred ) in place of ...
  • bristol britannia 312    The second proven case was the 1958 Bristol Britannia 312 crash near Christchurch, Dorset, in the south of England, on December 24, 1958. "' G-AOVD "'was a Bristol Britannia 312 operated b...
  • british rail class 312    These AC units were later classified as British Rail Class 302 through to British Rail Class 312, again dependent on the design.
  • china national highway 312    The book documents Gifford's 2004 trip across China National Highway 312 from Shanghai to the China-Kazakhstan border and his observations of China. Chaiwopu Township, Chaiwopu Railway Sta...
  • class 312    Some, such as Class 310 and Class 312 trains were in the process of withdrawal at privatisation. By 1990, however, the class had been displaced from the LTS route by Class 312 trains. The ...

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